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Winnie-Stowell Ducks Unlimited - Annual Dinner & Auction

Join us for a Great Night of Fundraising for Wetlands Conservation. Dinner, Drinks, Auctions and Raffles.
$25 - $3,200
insert_invitation Sat, Apr 26 at 5:00 PM (CDT)
location_on Winnie Community Building, Winnie, Texas
local_activity Single Ticket
Includes: Dinner & Drinks and a 1 year DU Membership
folder_special Couple's Ticket
Includes: Dinner & Drinks and a 1 year DU Membership for Two People
local_activity Greenwing (17 & Under)
'Greenwing' youth members must be under 17 years of age.
local_activity $350 Bronze Sponsor
1- Couple banquet ticket or two singles Name in the newspaper and listed in the banquet program. Special recognition at the Banquet 1 - Entry in the “Drawings for Sponsors Only” 1 - Ticket for “15 Gun Raffle” Table Gifts
folder_special $600 Silver Sponsor
2 - Couple banquet tickets or four (4) singles Name in the newspaper Name listed in the banquet program Special recognition at the Banquet 2 - Entries in the “Drawings for Sponsors Only” 2 - Tickets for “15 Gun Raffle” Table Gifts Special reserved seating for four (4) at the Banquet - UPON REQUEST
folder_special $1,200 Gold Sponsor
4 - Couple banquet tickets or eight (8) singles Name in the newspaper Name listed in the banquet program Special recognition at the Banquet 4 - Entries in the “Drawings for Sponsors Only” 4 - Tickets for “15 Gun Raffle” Table Gifts SPECIAL RESERVED TABLE for eight (8) at the Banquet
folder_special $2,200 Table Sponsor
Includes: Reserved Table for 8 guest. Dinner & Drinks and 1 gun off of the Great Gun Banner
folder_special $3,200 Table Sponsor
Includes: Reserved Table for 10 guest. Dinner & Drinks and one gun from the Big Gun Banner
Map of Winnie Community Building
Winnie Community Building
1301 Park Street
Winnie, Texas 77665


Map of Winnie Community Building
Winnie Community Building
1301 Park Street
Winnie, Texas 77665