Winnemucca Bingo For Boomsticks
Bingo Event
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, Nov 16 - 09:30 PM
Sold Out
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Winnemucca Ducks Unlimited announces the event of the season!
Click on the star icon above to purchase tickets.
Every round is for a Boomstick.
$60 includes admission, food and soft drinks
1 - Single card a game for 10 games package
(Cash Bar), door prize and
Ducks Unlimited Membership.
Bingo cards are purchased separately at the event
Bingo Cards are sold separately at the venue and are priced as follows:
Single card a game for 10 games - $50
3 Cards a game for 10 games - $100
6 cards a game for 10 games - $150
9 cards a game for 10 games and 4 cards of the 11th game: $250
11th game for deluxe gun
Single Card - $20
4 Pack -$50
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