Wawasee DU Waterfowl Hunter's Party (Syracuse, IN) - SOLD OUT!
Wawasee Ducks Unlimited is excited to announce that we will be holding our 2022 Waterfowl Hunter's Party on Saturday, August 6th, 2022. Get your tickets today because this event has sold out 6 years in a row!
The event will be held at the Event Center at Oakwood Resort on beautiful Lake Wawasee! Oakwood is located at:
702 E Lake View Rd
Syracuse, IN 46567
You can count on another night of food, fun and wetlands conservation with Wawasee DU, featuring...
- Dozens upon dozens of duck and goose decoys!
- Multiple shotguns!
- Layout blinds!
- Blind bags!
- Gun cases!
- Tons of other hunting gear and non-hunting gear!
You will be entered in a gun raffle just for showing up!
Doors open at 5:00pm with dinner starting shortly after!
Interested in sponsoring Wawasee DU? Contact Creighton at 574-528-0854 or creighton4826@hotmail.com today to learn how you or your business can make a tax-deductible donation, which you will be entered for great prizes, be recognized at the event, and have a huge impact for wetlands and waterfowl conservation!