UL Lafayette Conservation Cookoff
Gumbo Cookoff supporting UL Lafayette Ducks Unlimited
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, Feb 11 - 02:00 PM
Sold Out
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Come out and see how your best gumbo stacks up against the competition!
2023 Ducks Unlimited Gumbo Cook-Off Rules and Regulations
Basic Event Info
- Date: February 11th, 2023
- Place: Wildcat Brothers Distillery
- Check-in/Setup: Teams are welcome to set up anytime after 6:00 AM, but official check-in is from 8:00-8:45 AM
- Mandatory Meeting with Teams: 9:00 AM
- Cook Time: Show-Up - 12:00 PM
- Event Time: 11:00AM-3:00PM
- Categories:
- Non- DU / Student Org
- Best Overall
- Ducks Unlimited Chapters
- Best Overall
- Student Organizations
- Best overall
- Overall
- Best Overall
Non-Trophy Categories
- Fan Favorite / Vote
Included in Entry Fee
- 10x10 booth space
- Ample time to cook before guests arrive
- UL Lafayette DU Members will be present to ASSIST in setup and take down
Rules and Regulations:
Cooking / Event
- Teams are responsible for providing the necessary equipment and supplies for the cook-off. This includes, but is not limited to, tents, personal chairs or tables, cooking equipment, cooking supplies, spoons, forks, bowls, napkins, tent-securing technology, etc.
- Teams will also be responsible for their own rice, which can be pre-cooked.
- The Gumbo must be assembled and cooked on-site. The pre-cooking and prepping of meats, broth, roux, etc. is permitted, but a pre-cooked or pre-assembled gumbo is not and will result in disqualification from the main competition or any sub-categories, (you may still cook for the guests.) You are not permitted to cook with electricity unless you have your own power source.
- Team Check-in is from 8:00-8:45 AM. If you are not checked in during the designated check-in period, you are still welcome to cook for guests but will not be eligible for any type of voting by judges and or fans.
- You may begin cooking as soon as you are set up, but not prior to 6:00 AM. Even if you are set up and cooking prior to the check-in period, you are still required to check in with a UL DU Member during the designated period or time.
- There will be a mandatory team meeting at 9:00 AM, in which we will explain the events of the day further, as well as Fan Favorite, and other important info. You must have one representative from your team come to the meeting. If there is not one representative available, you must notify a UL DU member as soon as possible, and they will act as your stand-in representative.
- Judging Cups (which will be provided at team-check in) and will be due to the judges at 12:15. The teams will be allowed to begin serving at 12:00 PM.
- The expected turnout of the event is around 150 individuals but may be more or less.
- If your gumbo includes standard allergens (i.e peanut oil, nuts, peanut dust, etc.) you must have it visibly listed on your booth.
Event and Liability Clause
- The Gumbo Cook off is set to take place on February 11, 2023 at Wildcat Brothers Distillery. This event is rain-or-shine and may only be canceled or postponed due to extreme (hurricane, tornado) weather, dangerous circumstances, etc. Due to this event being a fundraiser, fees and costs such as team entry fee, ticket costs, etc. will not be refunded FULLY in the rare chance of an event cancellation or postponement. In case of postponement, all entry fees will be carried over until said date.
- Through registering for the 2023 DU Gumbo Cook-Off all teams hereby agree to not hold the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and the UL Lafayette Ducks Unlimited Chapter (including, but not limited to, the collegiate members as well as their sponsor and leaders) liable for any or all costs and expenses. This includes any legal and/or attorney fees received as a result of any legal action brought against them as a result of participating in the UL Lafayette 2023 Gumbo Cook-Off held on February 11, 2023 at Wildcat Brothers Distillery. All teams also agree to waive all rights of recovery from UL Lafayette and the UL Lafayette Ducks Unlimited Chapter for any loss or damage as a result of participating in this event.
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