Sweetwater Co. Ducks Unlimited Summer Raffle and Recruitment
DU raffle for guns and gear!
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Fri, Jun 30 - 07:00 PM
Sold Out
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Join us for a great DU raffle on June 30th!
Tickets available from local volunteers or you can buy online.
You do not need to be present to win.
Anyone buying a ticket is welcome to join us on June 30th 6:30pm for
the drawing and some light appetizers.
Here is the list of prizes and the order they will be drawn
1. Springfield Garrison .45 ACP
2. Glock 43X .22lr
3.Ruger 10//22 Custom Engraving
4.Tristar .410
5. Retay 12 ga. Shotgun
6. "Old Sage" canvas Mule Deer print
7. Terry Redlin print
8. Gadwall decoy
9. Leather Bag Set
All $100 buy ins will get an additional ticket for for a chance to win a nice 30qt Arctic cooler!
For local tickets contact: Shane Arcoren 307.871.0889
Tickets available from local volunteers or you can buy online.
You do not need to be present to win.
Anyone buying a ticket is welcome to join us on June 30th 6:30pm for
the drawing and some light appetizers.
Here is the list of prizes and the order they will be drawn
1. Springfield Garrison .45 ACP
2. Glock 43X .22lr
3.Ruger 10//22 Custom Engraving
4.Tristar .410
5. Retay 12 ga. Shotgun
6. "Old Sage" canvas Mule Deer print
7. Terry Redlin print
8. Gadwall decoy
9. Leather Bag Set
All $100 buy ins will get an additional ticket for for a chance to win a nice 30qt Arctic cooler!
For local tickets contact: Shane Arcoren 307.871.0889
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