Super Bingo for Boomsticks @ Fall River Brewing
Bingo Event
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This event ended
Tue, Jun 27 - 10:00 PM
Sold Out
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Come out for an amazing time of Bingo for Boomsticks at Fall River Brewing. Get your table today. This time we have 2 winners per round. First winner gets a firearm the second wins a additional prize. We will have live music from Games, Raffles, Bingo, Live music from California Grown Band, food truck, Cold beer from Fall River Brewing.
Bingo Cards sold separately
Bingo Cards start at $60 - a single pack for 10 games, $100 - 3 pack per game for 10 games, and for $160 - 6 cards each game for 10 games. $20 per card for the 11th round or 4 for $50. Best deal of the night will be $220 - 9 cards per game for 10 games and a 4 card 11th round.
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