Sangchris - 40th Annual Membership Dinner
Over 40 Guns, Outside Raffle, Live & Silent Auction plus much more!
$10 - $500
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
Sold Out
Banquet seat and 1 year Bronze Sponsorship, $100 Tier pkg., Sponsor Gun Raffle & Sponsor Dinner in May
2 Banquet seat and 1 year Bronze Sponsorship, $100 Tier pkg., Sponsor Gun Raffle & 1 ticket to Sponsor Dinner in May
Two banquet admissions and membership.
Attend the banquet and get a 1 year membership.
I youth membership and meal.
the $100 Tier Raffle package is a $100 value of raffle tickets.
1 Kimber ticket
12 Kimber tickets for $50
Includes 1 Dinner Gun Frenzy Ticket.
Includes 2 Frenzy Tickets plus 1 $100 Tier Raffle Packages
Includes 5 Frenzy Tickets plus 4 $100 Tier Raffle Packages
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Over 40 Guns, Outside Raffle, Live & Silent Auction plus much more!

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