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Portsmouth Ducks Unlimited Dinner and Auction

$100 - $1,000
insert_invitation Thu, Feb 27 at 5:00 PM (EST)
location_on Truth Transformation Ministries, Portsmouth, Virginia
local_activity Single Ticket
Includes one (1) $35 DU Annual Membership, admission for one (1) person to the event, beverages, and food.
local_activity Bronze Sponsor Ticket
Includes one (1) $250 DU Bronze Sponsorship, one (1) entry into the Sponsor Only Raffle, food, and beverage. SAVES ONE ACRE OF WETLANDS FOREVER!
folder_special Sponsor Table (8 People)
Includes a reserved table for 8 people, one (1) $250 DU Bronze Sponsorship for the table purchaser, one (1) entry into the Sponsor Only Raffle, seven (7) $35 Annual DU memberships for table guests, sponsor gifts, food, and beverages. SAVES ONE ACRE OF WETLANDS FOREVER!
local_activity YETI Bucket Raffle Package
Includes one (1) Portsmouth DU YETI Bucket, one (1) Great Gun Giveaway Raffle Ticket, $300 General Raffle Tickets, and one (1) DU Gun of the Year Raffle Ticket. The only way to participate in the DU Gun of the Year raffle is to purchase a Yeti Bucket Raffle Package. There is a 1 in 25 chance to win. One Winner will be drawn. Winner receives choice of any one (1) DU Gun of the Year (Shotgun, Rifle, or Pistol). Only 25 YETI Bucket Raffle Packages Available. First Come First Serve. Total Value - $1,550 MUST PURCHASE EVENT TICKET SEPARATELY.
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Truth Transformation Ministries
{{ directions }}
Truth Transformation Ministries
3401 Cedar Lane
Portsmouth, Virginia 23703
Join the Portsmouth DU Chapter for their annual wetlands conservation fundraiser.

This event has SOLD OUT the past 10 years and you must act quickly to purchase your tickets before they are SOLD OUT again!

For more information:
Paul Sims
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Map of Truth Transformation Ministries
{{ directions }}
Truth Transformation Ministries
3401 Cedar Lane
Portsmouth, Virginia 23703