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North Shore Chicago Annual Banquet

Chapter dinner and fundraiser
$100 - $5,000
insert_invitation Thu, Mar 6 at 6:00 PM (CST)
location_on Sunset Ridge Country Club, Northfield, Illinois
local_activity Lucky 24 - Weatherby SxS Raffle - Winner take all
ONLY 24 Tickets Available! Event attendance not required to win. 1 winner will receive a set of four Weatherby Orion Side by Sides in 12 ga, 20 ga, 28 ga and .410 ga. Raffle only, does not include a dinner ticket.
local_activity Premier Raffle #1 - Browning's Best
Purchase tickets in advance for our “52 card” Premier Raffles!! $100 Per Raffle Ticket – 52 tickets sold per raffle. Event attendance not required to win!!! Does not include dinner ticket. The Browning Maxus II Wicked Wing is the perfect companion in the duck marsh or goose pit! The 12-gauge semi-auto shotgun has a 3.5-inch chamber, a 28-inch barrel and wears Realtree Max-7 Camo on the stock and receiver. The three extended Invector Plus chokes and adjustable stock will get you right on target. This premier firearm will help bring the winner years of great memories chasing waterfowl!
local_activity Premier Raffle #2 - Doves & Ducks
Purchase tickets in advance for our “52 card” Premier Raffles!! $100 Per Raffle Ticket – 52 tickets sold per raffle. Event attendance not required to win!!! Does not include dinner ticket. Winner of this Premier Raffle will take home TWO of the very popular, and most durable shotguns on the market today! A Retay Masi Mara 12 gauge semi-auto 3.5inch AND a Retay Masi Mara 20 gauge semi-auto 3inch, both with five MaraPro choke tubes and wearing a Mossy Oak Bottomland Camo finish. The Inertia Piston and Inertia Plus Rotating Bolt will bring years of reliable service. The perfect combination for chasing waterfowl in the marsh or pheasants in the field!!
folder_special Premium Table Sponsor Table for 8 People
Event attendance, Dinner, Appetizers, Open bar, DU Membership for eight people; Gold Sponsor Membership for the Table Sponsor. PLUS - 1 choice off the Premiere Gun Banner for your table.
folder_special Table Sponsor for 8
Event attendance, Dinner, Appetizers, Open bar and DU Membership for eight people; Bronze Sponsor Membership for the Table Sponsor.
local_activity Bronze Sponsor
Event attendance, Dinner, Appetizers, Open bar, DU Bronze Sponsor Membership for one person
local_activity Single Ticket
Event attendance, Dinner, Appetizers, Open bar, DU Membership for one person
folder_special Couple's Ticket
Event attendance, Dinner, Appetizers, Open Bar for two people; DU Membership.
local_activity Silver Sponsor
Event attendance, Dinner, Appetizers, Open bar, DU Silver Sponsor Membership for one person
local_activity Gold Sponsor
Event attendance, Dinner, Appetizers, Open bar, DU Gold Sponsor Membership for one person
local_activity Donation Only 100
Can't attend? You can still make a donation to help conserve wetlands. New donors get a 1 year membership.
local_activity Donation Only 250
Can't attend? You can still make a donation to help conserve wetlands. New donors get a 1 year membership.
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Sunset Ridge Country Club
{{ directions }}
Sunset Ridge Country Club
2100 Sunset Ridge Road
Northfield, Illinois 60093
NSDU 2025 Flyer
Premium Table Sponsor - Choice of 1 off Banner
{{ item.ttBundle ? 'folder_special' : 'local_activity' }} {{ item.startDate }}
{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
{{ item.sectionName }} {{ item.seatName }}
{{ item.message }}
{{ formatPrice(item.price) }}
{{ item.quantity }}


Map of Sunset Ridge Country Club
{{ directions }}
Sunset Ridge Country Club
2100 Sunset Ridge Road
Northfield, Illinois 60093