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New Iberia Duck Bingo

Bingo Night for the whole family with 10 games of Bingo for Guns and more!
$25 - $500
insert_invitation Thu, Apr 10 at 5:30 PM (CDT)
location_on Sliman Theatre, New Iberia, Louisiana
local_activity Event Sponsor/Underwriter
Support the success of this new event and receive sponsor recognition as well as a complimentary 9-card ticket package!
local_activity Single Card
Purchase includes one(1) bingo card for all 10 games, dinner, and drinks for the evening.
local_activity Three Cards
Purchase includes three(3) bingo cards for all 10 games, dinner, and drinks for the evening.
local_activity Nine Cards
Purchase includes nine(9) bingo cards for all 10 games, dinner, and drinks for the evening.
local_activity SuperDuck Package
This PLAY IT ALL package includes 9 bingo cards for each game, three chances on the goose band raffle, and 5 chances at the 5-gun raffle, plus an exclusive SuperDuck ticket for a premium gun! Price goes to $350 at the door
local_activity Youth (17 & Under)
'Greenwing' youth members must be under 18 years of age. Includes one bingo card for all 10 games.
local_activity Bingo Guest
This ticket is for any bingo guest who does not purchase bingo cards. Ticket includes dinner and drinks for the evening, and are encouraged to participate in raffles, games, and the silent auction.
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Sliman Theatre
{{ directions }}
Sliman Theatre
129 East Main St.
New Iberia, Louisiana 70560
Bingo Night for the whole family with 10 games of Bingo for Guns and more!
We'll have dinner and drinks for everyone, along with raffles and a Silent Auction while we play BINGO!
Bring a group for this family-friendly night of fun!
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Map of Sliman Theatre
{{ directions }}
Sliman Theatre
129 East Main St.
New Iberia, Louisiana 70560