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Lincoln County "Fire & Ice"- Brookhaven

Firearms and Coolers with a Silent Auction, Good Food and Fellowship.
$40 - $650
insert_invitation Fri, Apr 25 at 6:00 PM (CDT)
location_on Westside Neighborhood Community Center, Brookhaven, Mississippi
We definately have the Fire!
local_activity Single Ticket
Attend the event and get a 1 year membership, food and refreshments.
local_activity Couples Ticket
Bring a friend and Double the fun. Food and refreshments plus membership.
local_activity Raffle Pack
If you cant make it to event and want to support your local Lincoln County chapter? Buy here and be entered into the raffle! Gets you 16 chances on coolers and guns. Annual membership
local_activity Bronze Sponsor- 4 person
Pricing gets you a table for 4, Bronze sponsor recognition for table buyer, $100 raffle tickets, 3 annual memberships. Food and drinks.
local_activity Bronze - 8 person
Pricing gets you a table for 8 , Bronze sponsor recognition for table buyer, $150 raffle tickets, 7 annual memberships. Food and drinks.
Map of Westside Neighborhood Community Center
Westside Neighborhood Community Center
302 Westside Ln NW,
Brookhaven, Mississippi 39601
Eric Gage- (601) 807-1793
Sam Stewart- (601) 757-7808
David Carpenter (601) 695-0496

Coolers, guns, good food and fellowship!


Map of Westside Neighborhood Community Center
Westside Neighborhood Community Center
302 Westside Ln NW,
Brookhaven, Mississippi 39601