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Lakelands Spring Banquet: Anderson, SC

For more information, contact Kasey McClain at 864-760-8679 or Phillip Brooks at 864-353-0179
$50 - $1,800
insert_invitation Thu, Mar 13 at 6:00 PM (EDT)
location_on Civic Center of Anderson, Anderson, South Carolina
local_activity Single Ticket
Attend the event and get a 1 year membership.
local_activity Couple's Ticket
2 entries into banquet.
local_activity Bronze Sponsor
Includes (4) banquet tickets , sponsor display at banquet, DU Bronze Sponsorship and (1) raffle ticket for sponsor only gun raffle.
local_activity Silver Sponsor Table
Includes (8) banquet tickets with reserved table, sponsor display at banquet, DU Silver Sponsorship and (2) raffle tickets for sponsor only gun raffle.
local_activity Gun Sponsor Table
Includes (8) banquet tickets with reserved table near front, sponsor display at banquet, DU Silver Sponsorship and (3) raffle tickets for sponsor only gun raffle. Sponsor Gun: Choice of 1 gun from Gun Sponsor Table Gun Selection
local_activity Gold Gun Sponsor Table
Includes (8) banquet tickets with reserved table at front, sponsor display at banquet, DU Gold Sponsorship and (4) raffle tickets for sponsor only gun raffle. Sponsor Gun: Choice of 1 gun from Gun Sponsor Table Gun Selection
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Civic Center of Anderson
{{ directions }}
Civic Center of Anderson
3027 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Anderson, South Carolina 29625
For more information, contact Kasey McClain at 864-760-8679 or Phillip Brooks at 864-353-0179

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{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
{{ item.sectionName }} {{ item.seatName }}
{{ item.message }}
{{ formatPrice(item.price) }}
{{ item.quantity }}


Map of Civic Center of Anderson
{{ directions }}
Civic Center of Anderson
3027 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Anderson, South Carolina 29625