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Kennesaw/Etowah River Kick off meeting & Happy Hour

Recruit new members - free, with donation optional
insert_invitation Wed, Dec 6, 2023 6:30 PM (EST)
location_on Governor's Gun Club in Kennessaw, Kennesaw, Georgia
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Governor's Gun Club in Kennessaw
{{ directions }}
Governor's Gun Club in Kennessaw
1005 Cobb Place Blvd.
Kennesaw, Georgia 30144

Interested in helping the ducks?  Then we need you as a volunteer on the Kennesaw/Etowah River Ducks Unlimited Chapter.  We're looking to build a strong committee for our annual fundraiser. 

Make plans to attend Wednesday December 6th at the restaurant at Govenor's Gun Club in Kennesaw

We will discuss our plans for an upcoming banquet and other fund-raising activities.

Help us make the Kennesaw-Etowah River event one of the best events in Georgia.

Happy Hour starts at 6:30pm and runs until 8:00pm, and there is no charge to attend this volunteer meeting.

We will be talking about what Ducks Unlimited is doing in our State and across the continent. Our Georgia volunteer numbers are growing strong and we want you to be a part of this great conservation effort.

Please RSVP to Scott James at sjames@ducks.org

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Map of Governor's Gun Club in Kennessaw
{{ directions }}
Governor's Gun Club in Kennessaw
1005 Cobb Place Blvd.
Kennesaw, Georgia 30144