Hamilton County Ducks Unlimited Bingo Night
Come out and play bingo... for a chance to win guns, other prizes, and give back to conservation!!!
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
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Mon, Jun 20 - 08:00 PM
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Hamilton County Ducks Unlimited Bingo Night
Come out and play bingo for a chance to win guns or cash, and a DU Yeti! We will be playing 10 games for 10 prizes... most of which are firearms! 1 free beer or pop is included with your ticket purchase. Food and other drinks will be available for purchase.
Doors open at 5:30pm (EST)
First bingo game will begin at 6:30
Bingo Card prices are as follows:
1 bingo card per game for 10 games- $50
3 bingo cards per game for 10 games- $100
9 bingo cards per game for 10 games- $200
Please contact Jake Meyerrose at (317) 442-4084 or jmeyerro@gmail.com with any questions!
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