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Greene County Banquet & Auction

Annual Banquet that you won't want to miss!
$50 - $1,800
insert_invitation Sat, Mar 8 at 3:30 PM (EST)
location_on Anthony's Banquet Hall, Leeds, New York
local_activity Raffle Pack
Buy early and get $200 worth of Raffle tickets for $100
folder_special VIP Table
Reserve a Table of 8 that includes: 8 Meals, 2 Bronze Sponsors, 6 DU Memberships, DU Swag, Raffle Pack, and a choice off of the Reeds Great Gun Giveaway
local_activity Single Ticket
Attend the banquet and get a 1 year membership.
folder_special Couple's Ticket
Two banquet admissions and two memberships. Bring someone along and double the fun!
local_activity Sponsor
Banquet seat and 1 year Bronze Sponsorship. All bronze sponsors are entered into exclusive bronze sponsor only raffles! All Sponsors also get a Raffle Pack!
folder_special Couples Sponsor
Banquet seating for 2, includes 1 DU Bronze Sponsorship. All bronze sponsors are entered into exclusize bronze sponsor only raffles!
local_activity Greenwing (16 and Under)
'Greenwing' youth members must be under 16 years of age.
local_activity Pistols of the Year Raffle
Buy your chance at one of the best raffles you'll see. Winner take all on three 1911 Pistols of the Year from 2022, 2023, and 2024. Don't miss out on this one as it will sell out fast
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Anthony's Banquet Hall
{{ directions }}
Anthony's Banquet Hall
746 County Road 23B
Leeds, New York 12451
Any Questions Contact: 
Dana Hanusik: 518-821-1773
Jeff Holliday: 518-965-6105

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{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
{{ item.sectionName }} {{ item.seatName }}
{{ item.message }}
{{ formatPrice(item.price) }}
{{ item.quantity }}


Map of Anthony's Banquet Hall
{{ directions }}
Anthony's Banquet Hall
746 County Road 23B
Leeds, New York 12451