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Glenrock DU Banquet

Best Small Town Event in Wyoming
insert_invitation Sat, Jan 20, 2024 5:30 PM (MST)
location_on Glenrock Rec Center, Glenrock, Wyoming
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Glenrock Rec Center
{{ directions }}
Glenrock Rec Center
412 S 4th St
Glenrock, Wyoming 82637

Glenrock Ducks Unlimited Banquet 
January 20th at the Rec Center
Call for last 3 tickets or to get on cancellation list

Suzie Kuharski 307.262.3790

Doors open at 5:30pm
Food will be by Fort Diablo

We are offering 12 Gun tables featuring a Henry Rifle
we have 6- 45LC and 6- 360 Buckhammer's 
you get choice until we run out of one caliber. 

Gun Tables are Sold Out!!!

We can still do one for you but you will receive the gun after the banquet.

Gun Table will cost $1200, includes 8 seats, memberships, dinner and DU Swag!
Reserve Table is $500 and includes 8 seats, memberships, dinner and DU SWAG.
Single ticket- $40, Couples ticket- $70 & Youth is $20

NEW this year!!!!!
Early Bird prize for tickets purchased and guest information filled out by 1/16/24
All Early Bird tickets are entered in for a Ruger GP100 revolver 10mm

For more information contact:
Robert Hathaway 307.221.2061
Suzie Kuharski 307.262.3790

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Map of Glenrock Rec Center
{{ directions }}
Glenrock Rec Center
412 S 4th St
Glenrock, Wyoming 82637