Georgetown Ducks Unlimited Annual Sponsor Dinner
For more information contact, Toby Avant (843) 833-9566
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sun, Oct 09 - 09:00 PM
Sold Out
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Georgetown Historic Plantation
801 Milton Hall Road
South Carolina
Georgetown DU Area Supporter,
Thank you for your previous support of the Georgetown Chapter of Ducks Unlimited. Our chapter is one of the strongest in South Carolina and that would not be possible without your support. We are particularly thankful for your generosity over the past year which resulted in several awards for our chapter.
We are planning another exciting season and look forward to seeing you at our events this fall. Our fall events for this year are as follows:
Sunday, October 10th, 3:00 PM – 2021 Sponsor Banquet
Please join us at Chicora Wood Plantation, 6466 Plantersville Road, for a sponsor appreciation gathering. This event is for 2021 sponsors and their guests only. Attendees may pay for their 2021 sponsorship at the event, online or mail a check to Georgetown DU, 129 Luvan Blvd., Georgetown, SC 29440 prior to the event. Sponsor levels and gifts for this year are as follows:
Gold Sponsor - $1,000
- Admission to the Sponsor Banquet and 8 tickets to the Sportsman’s Banquet
- Name or company name on the Sponsor Board at the Sportsman’s Banquet
- Gold Sponsor Gift Package – Includes, cooler, gun case, and DU Swag
Silver Sponsor - $500
- Admission to the Sponsor Banquet and 4 tickets to the Sportsman’s Banquet
- Name or company name on the Sponsor Board at the Sportsman’s Banquet
- Silver Sponsor Gift Package with DU Swag
Bronze Sponsor - $300
- Admission to the Sponsor Banquet and 2 tickets to the Sportsman’s Banquet
- Name or company name on the Sponsor Board at the Sportsman’s Banquet
- Bronze Sponsor Gift Package with DU Swag
Thursday, November 18th, 6:00 PM - 2021 Sportsman’s Banquet
Please join us at the Winyah Indigo Society Hall for the annual Georgetown DU Sportsman’s Banquet. The event will have food, beverages, raffle prizes, games, a silent auction, and a live auction. This event is for 2021 sponsors, their guests, and ticket purchasers only. A limited number of tickets will be available for purchase for $75 for an individual or $120 for a couple.
Please make checks payable to Georgetown Ducks Unlimited and mail them to 129 Luvan Blvd., Georgetown, SC 29440. If you have any questions, please contact me: phone (843) 833-9566 or email
Georgetown DU Chapter Area Chairmen
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