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Crystal Valley Ducks Unlimited Sportsman's Bingo

Bingo Event for firearms and cash as prizes!
$35 - $200
insert_invitation Tue, Mar 4 at 5:30 PM (EST)
location_on American Legion - Middlebury, Middlebury, Indiana
local_activity Single
Includes entry to the event, dinner, and an annual Ducks Unlimited membership!
folder_special Table of 4
Includes entry to the event for 4, 4 dinners, and 4 annual Ducks Unlimited memberships!
folder_special Table of 8
Includes entry to the event for 8, 8 dinners, and 8 annual Ducks Unlimited memberships!
Map of American Legion - Middlebury
American Legion - Middlebury
103 York Dr
Middlebury, Indiana 46540
Crystal Valley Bingo Ad Spring FY25


Map of American Legion - Middlebury
American Legion - Middlebury
103 York Dr
Middlebury, Indiana 46540