Chesterfield DU - Goodbye Summer - Night Out on the James River
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Thu, Sep 28 - 07:30 PM
Sold Out
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Join us as we say farewell to summer and welcome our favorite season of the year.
Food, cold beverages, and sporting raffle and door prizes including guns, gear, decoys, fishing items, coolers, clothing, etc.
Food, cold beverages, and sporting raffle and door prizes including guns, gear, decoys, fishing items, coolers, clothing, etc.
Tickets $50. Includes DU membership, gift, and door prize ticket.
Bring your ticket stub to the Chesterfield DU Dinner and Auction on October 12 for a $50 raffle or auction credit!
Ticket information and purchase available online
For more information or to register,:
Robbie Parker
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