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Cajun Duck Bingo

10 Games of Bingo with 10 winners who get their choice of gun, plus bonus raffles for everyone!
insert_invitation Wed, May 29, 2024 5:30 PM (CDT)
location_on Rice Festival Building, Crowley, Louisiana
Map of Rice Festival Building
Rice Festival Building
717 W Mill St.
Crowley, Louisiana 70526
 10 Games of Bingo with 10 winners who get their choice of gun, plus bonus raffles for everyone!

Guests who purchase 3 cards, 9 cards, or the SuperDuck Package may share cards, however anyone who does not purchase bingo cards must purchase a bingo guest ticket to attend the event. All tickets include your meal and drinks for the evening.

Win Bingo and Pick from the Banner Below!



Map of Rice Festival Building
Rice Festival Building
717 W Mill St.
Crowley, Louisiana 70526