Apalachicola Valley Dinner
The Apalachicola Valley Ducks Unlimited Chapter would like to inform you about our upcoming Gun and Cooler Bash and Online Auction. Our Online Auction will start September 28 and end the 15th, the night of our Gun and Cooler Bash at Paddy’s. We are only selling 50 tickets to the Gun and Cooler Bash. We will give away 5 prizes (3 GUNS and 2 YETI COOLERS). 1 in 10 chance to WIN! Your Gun and Cooler Ticket gets you free oysters and beer at Paddy’s Raw Bar October 15th at 6:00 PM. Oysters and beer are limited. You DO NOT HAVE TO BEPRESENT TO WIN!
We will send outthe Online Auction link on October the 13th at 12:00 PM. We will send an eblast to let you know when it starts. You do not have to buy a ticket to participate in the Online Auction.