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49ers (UNCC) Ducks Unlimited

49ers (UNCC) Ducks Unlimited
$35 - $1,600
insert_invitation Sat, Mar 29 at 5:30 PM (EDT)
location_on Gathering on Main, Harrisburg, North Carolina
local_activity Single Ticket
Attend the banquet and get a 1 year membership.
local_activity Couples Ticket
seating for 2 at the banquet, 1 annual DU membership
local_activity Youth
'Greenwing' youth members must be under 18 years of age.
local_activity Sponsor
Banquet seat and 1 year Bronze Sponsorship.
local_activity Teal Table
8 tickets to the banquet preferred seating 8 hats $250 Bronze
local_activity Mallard Table
8 tickets to the banquet custom Gatr cooler 8 hats $250 Bronze Sponsorship preferred seating
local_activity Canvasback Table
8 tickets to the event 8 hats one pick off of the Great Gun Giveaway preferred seating $500 Silver Sponsorship
Map of Gathering on Main
Gathering on Main
4245 Main St
Harrisburg, North Carolina 28075


Map of Gathering on Main
Gathering on Main
4245 Main St
Harrisburg, North Carolina 28075