4X4 Goose Shoot-2024
Event Postponed to February 2-3, 2024
For more information, go to: https://4x4goose.com
On behalf of the Grand Passage Sportsmen Club and Ducks Unlimited, we are excited to announce the 5th annual 4x4 Goose Hunt applications are now open! The 4x4 Hunt is scheduled for January 13th, 2024. The overall format will remain similar as years past where registration is open until December 27th at midnight. Applicants may purchase an unlimited amount of tickets to get into the "team drawing". There will be around 20 teams selected for the hunt in which you can find full details, schedule and rules at: www.4x4goose.com.
Two team entries will be auctioned off online and will guarantee your team a spot in the hunt! Not only does the winning auction bidder get a team locked in, but they will also get their choice of blind selections. The 1st online auction is live now and will end on December 27th at 7pm. Click here for more info and to start bidding! The 2nd online auction begins after the teams have been drawn and announced around December 30th, and will provide one last chance to participate.