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48th Annual Zanesville DU Banquet

48th Annual Zanesville DU Banquet
$85 - $2,000
insert_invitation Sat, Feb 15 at 6:00 PM (EST)
location_on The Campus Center-Zane State College Campus, Zanesville, Ohio
local_activity Sponsor
Sales ended
Sponsorship includes early admission @ 5:30 (Guest(s) may also enter at 5:30 - each guest must pay separately), DU membership, steak dinner, unlimited soft drinks & beer (cash bar), one (1) entry for door prizes, one (1) entry into a Sponsor only gun raffle, $60.00 of general raffle tickets, Sponsor gift, and special recognition during the banquet.
local_activity Single Ticket
Sales ended
“Single” includes 1 ticket to the banquet @ 6:00, Ducks Unlimited membership, steak dinner, unlimited soft drinks & beer (cash bar) and one entry for door prizes.
folder_special Couples Ticket
Sales ended
“Couple” includes 2 tickets to the banquet @ 6:00, Ducks Unlimited membership, steak dinner, unlimited soft drinks & beer (cash bar) and one entry each for door prizes.
folder_special Sponsor Table
Sales ended
Reserved table for 8 people. This will include one sponsorship and those items listed in “Sponsor” above.
local_activity GOLD SPONSOR TABLE
Sales ended
Reserved table for 8 and includes your choice of one (1) of the following guns: Henry 22 Mag Golden Boy Rifle, Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro OSP 9MM Handgun, or Traditions NitroFire .50 Caliber Muzzleloader. Also includes one sponsorship and those items listed in “Sponsor” above.
Sales ended
Reserved table for 8 and includes your choice of one (1) of the following guns: Henry 44 Mag Big Boy Rifle, Franchi Affinity 3 - 12 gauge Shotgun, or POF P-15 Base 5.56 AR Rifle. Also includes one sponsorship and those items listed in “Sponsor” above.
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of The Campus Center-Zane State College Campus
{{ directions }}
The Campus Center-Zane State College Campus
1555 Newark Road
Zanesville, Ohio 43701
{{ item.ttBundle ? 'folder_special' : 'local_activity' }} {{ item.startDate }}
{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
{{ item.sectionName }} {{ item.seatName }}
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{{ item.quantity }}


Map of The Campus Center-Zane State College Campus
{{ directions }}
The Campus Center-Zane State College Campus
1555 Newark Road
Zanesville, Ohio 43701