2022 Kissimmee / St. Cloud Dinner
Chapter dinner and fundraiser with table seating. Food served.
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, Aug 20 - 09:00 PM
Sold Out
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Join us for the fun and fellowship as we celebrate Wetland and Waterfowl Conservation. There will be plenty of Great food and spirits. Come support Wetland Conservation and help preserve our hunting heritage.
Event Date - August 20, 2022
Doors open at 5:30 pm
Location - St. Cloud Recreation Center
3101 17th Street - St. Cloud, Florida 34769
Contact: Alex & Liz Stevens - 321.624.3282
Benelli SBE3 20 ga. Shotgun of the Year
Weatherby Mark V 6.5 300 Weatherby Magnum Rifle of the Year
Colt 1911 Stainless Classic Handgun of Year
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