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Wheatley DU Membership Banquet

This year's banquet is going to be BIG! Get your tickets today!
insert_invitation Sat, Jan 11, 2025 5:30 PM (CST)
location_on Brinley Convention Center, Brinkley , Arkansas
Map of Brinley Convention Center
Brinley Convention Center
1501 Weatherby Dr.
Brinkley , Arkansas 72021

Celebrate the season with fellow waterfowlers at the 13th annual Wheatley DU banquet! Fantastic food & fellowship for all as we "Do it for the ducks, Cajun Style!" Plenty of great food, ice-cold beverages, and the all-new 2025 DU merchandise will be on hand!

Get your tickets early - seating is limited!  

Doors open at 5:00 PM at the Brinkley Convention Center, located at 1501 Weatherby Dr. in Brinkley.


Robin and Randy are once again preparing a Cajun Feast, so don't miss out on this one! All you can eat fried catfish, shrimp, chicken, and more, with all the trimmin's catered by Cajun Express!

Tickets: $50 Single; $25 Youth (ages 17 & under); $250 Bronze Sponsor; $750 Bronze Sponsor Table.  Purchase your tickets online today or from Robin at Cajun Express Restaurant now before they are gone!

Bronze Sponsorships are also available for $250, and include the Arkansas DU sponsor print and license plate.  Bronze Sponsor tables are available with preferred seating for 8 people near the action, and a special gift for the table for $750!  Limited tables available - get them while they last!

UPGRADE YOUR TABLE FOR THE DUCKS! Scroll down to view the list below, all of which come with your choice of one premium item - guaranteed! 

Teal Sponsor Table ($1200) - Sportsman's Table!  Includes reserved seating for 8 people at the event, one 2025 DU Bronze Sponsor package for the buyer, 7 annual DU memberships, and your choice of 1 item from the DU Sportsman's Banner!  Scan QR code below for a current list of items available. 


Wood Duck Sponsor Table ($1500) - Great Gun Table!  Includes reserved seating for 8 people at the event, one 2025 DU Bronze Sponsor package for the buyer, 7 annual DU memberships, and your choice of 1 item from the DU Great Gun & Gear Banner!  Scan QR code below for a current list of items available. 


Pintail Sponsor Table ($2500) - Big Gun Giveaway!  Includes premium reserved seating for 8 people at the event, one 2025 DU Silver Sponsor package for the buyer ($500 value), 7 annual DU memberships, and your choice of 1 item from the DU Big Gun Giveaway Banner!  Scan QR code below for a current list of items available.


Mallard Sponsor Table ($4000) - Premier Guns & Gear!  Includes premium reserved seating for 8 people at the event, one 2025 DU Gold Sponsor package for the buyer ($1000 value), 7 annual DU memberships, your choice of 1 item from the DU Dream Gun Banner!  Scan QR code below for a current list of items available.


Canvasback Sponsor Table ($6000) - Ultimate Guns & Gear Table!  Includes premium reserved seating for 8 people at the event, one 2025 DU Gold Sponsor package for the buyer ($1000 value), 7 annual DU memberships, and your choice of 1 item from the DU Ultimate Guns & Gear banner!  Scan QR code below for a current list of items available.

DU it for the Ducks! 


Map of Brinley Convention Center
Brinley Convention Center
1501 Weatherby Dr.
Brinkley , Arkansas 72021