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Western Montana Sponsor Event

Come out for a great time with family and friends and help support wetlands conservation!
insert_invitation Sat, Jul 30, 2022 5:30 PM (MDT)
location_on The Barn at The Ranch Club, Missoula, Montana
Map of The Barn at The Ranch Club
The Barn at The Ranch Club
8500 Mullan Road
Missoula, Montana 59808
Western Montana Ducks Unlimited Sponsor Event

You are cordially invited to join us for a special evening of conservation and conversation. This unique event will take place on the grounds of the beautiful and exclusive Ranch Club Golf Course.  Bob Sanders, Manager of Conservation Programs for Montana, will be the key note speaker.  You will learn about DU's conservation work, both in Montana and across the Great Plains.

All attendees for this event are entered into a drawing for a very special DU gun.  Bronze sponsors receive one ticket, Silver Sponsors receive two tickets and Gold Sponsors receive four tickets.

There will be a small, but very exclusive live auction.  Some of the featured items will be firearms, wildlife bronze sculptures, trips, hand carved decoys, and unique artwork.

Make it an all DU day by joining us from 8 - 11 AM at the Missoula Trap & Skeet Club for 100 rounds - each shooter will get to shoot 4 different stations - 25 rounds each of skeet, trap, bunker and extended trap, followed by a round of golf (9 holes WITH CART) at The Ranch Club Golf Course in Missoula. Shooters will need to bring their own gun and ammo and golfers will need their bring their own clubs. 

This is an ala carte style event...do as many of these things as you'd like, or just plan to join use for a great evening, complete with a fantastic dinner and opportunities at our live and silent auction and exclusive raffles.

                                              RSVP MUST BE made no later than 7/24/22



Map of The Barn at The Ranch Club
The Barn at The Ranch Club
8500 Mullan Road
Missoula, Montana 59808