Utah Ducks Unlimited 2022 Prize Calendar
Chance to win every Wednesday, Federal Holiday and winner's choice draws every other Friday.
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Fri, Dec 31 - 10:00 PM
Sold Out
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Get your chance to win a gun every Wednesday, Federal Holidays and a winner's choice draws every other Friday. 89 chances to win.
All pictures are of local submissions, hunting Utah's wetlands.
(Send us your photos for next year. You could be in 2023?)
This raffle is restricted to residents of the state of the chapter holding the raffle. All participants shall be over 18 years of age or as otherwise provided by law. Void where prohibited. By purchasing the raffle ticket, you certify you are a resident of the state of the raffle and of appropriate age to purchase the ticket.
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