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Seward DU Raffle Night

Miscellaneous Event
$40 - $500
insert_invitation Sat, Mar 29 at 7:00 PM (AKDT)
location_on Breeze Inn Lounge, Seward, Alaska
local_activity Entry into Bar Night per attendee
Attend the event and get a 1 year membership. Plus, get a chance at the Door Prize Gun!
local_activity $200 Golden Gun Raffle Package
12 Blue Bucket Tickets & 3 Golden Gun Tickets. Does not include chance at Door Prize Gun! Must be present to Win.
local_activity $100 Golden Gun Raffle Pack
5 Blue Bucket Tickets & 1 Golden Gun Ticket
local_activity Underwrite a Gun
Underwrite a Gun and get your company in lights at the Banquet!
local_activity Donate to DU
Map of Breeze Inn Lounge
Breeze Inn Lounge
303 North Harbor Drive
Seward, Alaska 99664
Seward Ducks Unlimited Bar Night

Saturday March 29th

at the Breeze Inn Lounge

$40 to attend Bar Night per Person
Includes a Chance at the Door Prize Gun

Golden Gun Raffle
Duck Raffles, 1 in 52 Chance
Silent Auction
& more

Permit #616


Map of Breeze Inn Lounge
Breeze Inn Lounge
303 North Harbor Drive
Seward, Alaska 99664