Riverbend DU Sportsman's Banquet
Join us in celebrating our 43rd Anniversary Event!
$15 - $1,500
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
Sold Out
Includes entry to event and one-year DU membership
Includes two entries to event and two one-year DU memberships.
Includes entry to event for youth ages 17 & under and one-year youth DU membership
Includes entry to event, one one-year DU bronze sponsor membership, and one entry into sponsors only drawing.
Includes two entries to event, one, one-year bronze membership and one regular one-year DU membership, and one entry into sponsors only drawing.
Sponsor Table includes ten event entries, nine, one-year DU memberships, one bronze sponsor membership, priority food service, reserved table and Free Winchester SX4 Camo table gun. 1 Entry into Sponsor Only drawing and 1 entry into Table drawing.
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