Ouachita County DU Membership Banquet - Camden
Come celebrate conservation at Ouachita County DU's 44th Annual Banquet
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, Oct 22 - 09:30 PM
Sold Out
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We invite you to a great night of fun and fellowship at River Woods in Camden with the Ouachita County DU Chapter.
River Woods is located at 1137 W. Washington in Camden
Wonderful food, drinks for all, and DU merchandise
Doors open at 5:30 and dinner around 7:00 Auction to follow
Tickets available online now or contact J.J. Lindsey at 870-833-2154
Don't miss this event- going to be a big time!
Sponsor table buyers ge their choice from the banner below!!
River Woods is located at 1137 W. Washington in Camden
Wonderful food, drinks for all, and DU merchandise
Doors open at 5:30 and dinner around 7:00 Auction to follow
Tickets available online now or contact J.J. Lindsey at 870-833-2154
Don't miss this event- going to be a big time!
Sponsor table buyers ge their choice from the banner below!!
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