MUS Varsity Sportsman's Dinner & Auction
Join us for a fun filled evening celebrating conservation at DU!
$30 - $3,000
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
Greenwing/Varsity Ticket
Includes entry to event for youth ages 17 & under and one-year youth DU membership
Adult Single Ticket
Includes entry to event and one-year DU membership
Adult Couple's Ticket
Includes two entries to event and two one-year DU memberships
Bronze Sponsor Single
Includes entry to event, one one-year DU bronze sponsor membership and recognition in program.
Bronze Sponsor Couple
Includes two entries into event, one, one-year bronze membership and one regular one-year DU membership and recognition in program.
Wood Duck Sponsor Table
Includes eight entries to event, eight one-year DU memberships, reserved seating, priority food service, and eight Free DU gifts.
Red Sponsor Table
Includes eight entries to event, eight one-year DU memberships, reserved seating, priority food service, and Free Benelli Nova Shotgun.
Owls Sponsor Table
Includes eight entries to event, eight one-year DU memberships, reserved seating, priority food service, and Free gun of choice from Premier Guns and Gear Giveaway Banner.
$100 Underwriting Donation Only
Cant attend? We understand and hope you will consider making an underwriting donation to help offset our event costs. We will proudly display your name/business name on the item you helped underwrite.
$250 Underwriting Donation Only
Cant attend? We understand and hope you will consider making an underwriting donation to help offset our event costs. We will proudly display your name/business name on the item you helped underwrite.
$500 Underwriting Donation Only
Cant attend? We understand and hope you will consider making an underwriting donation to help offset our event costs. We will proudly display your name/business name on the item you helped underwrite.
Event Underwriting Donation
This sponsorship helps our Varsity chapter offset our expenses and therefore profit more money for our chapter and waterfowl conservation! As an event underwriter, this donation is 100% tax deductible.

Join us for a fun filled evening celebrating conservation at DU!
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