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Montana State University Ducks Unlimited Spring Banquet

Come out and support the Montana State University DU chapter!
insert_invitation Sat, Apr 29, 2023 5:30 PM (MDT)
location_on Best Western Plus GranTree Inn, Bozeman, Montana
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Best Western Plus GranTree Inn
{{ directions }}
Best Western Plus GranTree Inn
1325 N 7th Ave
Bozeman, Montana 59715

The Montana State University DU Spring Banquet is coming up on Saturday April 29th


Fundraising events such as these will help ensure that waterfowl will have places to nest, raise their young, migrate through and winter in each year. Your attendance at the MSU DU event will help DU conserve wetlands and critical upland habitat vital to North America's waterfowl and the more than 900 other species of wildlife that use these same habitats.

Call Lane at (309) 840-3936 for tickets or click the " Get Tickets" button below and purchase tickets online right now!

The event starts at 5:30 PM and will be held at the GranTree In (Best Western), 1325 N 7th Ave in Bozeman, MT.

Ticket prices are:

$30 - MSU Student (with ID) - Includes entry to the event, dinner, and one-year DU membership

$50 - Single - Includes entry to the event, dinner, and one-year DU membership

$90 - Couple - Includes entry to the event for two, dinner, and one-year DU membership

$325 - MSU Sponsor (includes 2 Tickets) - Includes entry to the event for two, dinner, and one-year DU Bronze Sponsor membership. PLUS, entry into Sponsors ONLY Gun Drawing!

$700 - Corporate Table (Includes 8 seats and a MSU sponsorship) - BEST DEAL IN THE HOUSE! You get 8 reserved seats & dinners, PLUS a MSU DU sponsorship. You will be entered into Sponsors ONLY Gun Drawing and you get a special DU gift on your table!



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Map of Best Western Plus GranTree Inn
{{ directions }}
Best Western Plus GranTree Inn
1325 N 7th Ave
Bozeman, Montana 59715