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Kansas University Ducks Unlimited Sportsman's Party

Show Your KU & DU Pride with One of Our NEW T-Shirts!!
Free - $3,500
insert_invitation Thu, Feb 27 at 6:00 PM (CST)
location_on Clyde's, Lawrence , Kansas
local_activity Student Ticket
Attend the event and get a 1 year membership. Ticket includes pizza & keg beer.
local_activity Single Ticket
Attend the event and get a 1 year membership. Ticket includes pizza & keg beer.
folder_special Couple's Ticket
Attend the event and get a 1 year membership. Ticket includes pizza & keg beer.
local_activity Donation
Please select this option to donate to the chapter. Select this option to purchase and donation option will be provided when checking out.
folder_special Platinum Sponsor Package
1-Ducks Unlimited Sponsorship 1-Browning BAR Mark 3 Rifle Walnut 300 Win Mag or Benelli M2 20ga 8-Banquet Tickets (4 Couples tickets) with Preferred Seating 8-Ducks Unlimited Special Gifts 1-Kansas State Sponsor License Plate
folder_special Gold Sponsor Package
1-Ducks Unlimited Sponsorship 1-Pointer Field Tek4 12ga or FN 503 9mm 8-Banquet Tickets (4 Couples) with Preferred Seating 1-Kansas State Sponsor License Plate
folder_special Silver Sponsor Package
1-Ducks Unlimited Sponsorship 1-Yeti Hopper M15 8-Banquet Tickets (4 Couples) with Preferred Seating 1-Kansas State Sponsor License Plate
folder_special Bronze Sponsor Package
1-Ducks Unlimited Sponsorship 2-Banquet Tickets (1 Couple) 1-Kansas DU Sponsor License Plate
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Clyde's
{{ directions }}
729 New Hampshire St.
Lawrence , Kansas 66044
{{ item.ttBundle ? 'folder_special' : 'local_activity' }} {{ item.startDate }}
{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
{{ item.sectionName }} {{ item.seatName }}
{{ item.message }}
{{ formatPrice(item.price) }}
{{ item.quantity }}


Map of Clyde's
{{ directions }}
729 New Hampshire St.
Lawrence , Kansas 66044