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Golden Colorado Ducks Unlimited Dinner

Back again with a new line up of trips and great merchandise.
$35 - $250
insert_invitation Fri, Mar 7, 2025 5:30 PM (MST)
location_on Denver Marriott West, Golden, Colorado
local_activity Donation Only Bronze $250
Can't attend? You can still make a donation to help conserve wetlands. Donors at this level are recognized with a 1 year Bronze Sponsor membership.
local_activity Donation Only $35
Can't attend? You can still make a donation to help conserve wetlands. New donors get a 1 year membership.
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Denver Marriott West
{{ directions }}
Denver Marriott West
1717 Denver West Blvd
Golden, Colorado 80401
our event will feature great food, libations and all the great firearms, trips and other merchandise you'd expect to see. Tickets are not yet available but plan on being there, Friday, March 7th, 2025


Proceeds from this event are used for wetland and open space conservation via Ducks Unlimited.  Please join us to support DU and wetland conservation and please pass the word to your friends who would like to attend this great DU event.
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Map of Denver Marriott West
{{ directions }}
Denver Marriott West
1717 Denver West Blvd
Golden, Colorado 80401