Ducks Unlimited Booth at the Triple Tail Classic
The Eastern Shore Fly Fishers club holds an annual fishing tournament known as the Tripletail Classic at the Weeks Bay Tonsmiere Resource Center. As part of the tournament, ESFF created the Conservation Causeway as an outreach opportunity for organizations throughout southern Alabama with an environmental/conservation stewardship mission to connect specifically with the recreational fishing and boating community in the area. Ducks Unlimited will have a table in the area where anglers and other tournament attendees can join or ask questions about our organization. This gives us a chance to share about the work we do in the coastal communities of Alabama and help raise awareness. Last year the TTC had 150 people in attendance and folks said they really enjoyed getting the chance to personally connect with the people doing all this important work! We are honored to be a part of this annual gathering for the studies on the Triple Tail Species.
The tournament this year is on July 29th, at the Weeks Bay Tonsmiere Resource Center, and the Conservation Causeway will be held from 4-6pm.
Representatives from Ducks Unlimited ALGC aka Alabama Gulf Coast Chapter OB will attending and have a booth set up. Come see us and see what we do in Alabama and join TEAM DU!
For more information on the TTC go to: