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Demotte Ducks Unlimited 5th Annual Gun Bash

Demotte DU's 5th Annual Gun Bash! At least 1 gun for every 10 pre-sold tickets! Don't miss it!
$15 - $1,600
insert_invitation Sat, Apr 5 at 5:30 PM (CDT)
location_on Jasper County Fairgrounds, Rensselaer, Indiana
local_activity Single Ticket
Includes dinner, entry to the event, and an annual Ducks Unlimited membership!
folder_special Couple's Ticket
Includes two dinners, two entries into the event, and two annual Ducks Unlimited memberships!
local_activity Youth
17 and under - Dinner and an annual Ducks Unlimited Greenwing Membership
folder_special Bronze Sponsor
Includes two entries into the event, two dinners, and two Sponsor Only Raffle tickets!
folder_special Bronze Sponsor with Gift
Includes two entries into the event, two dinners, two Sponsor Only Raffle tickets, and choice of either an Indiana DU Sponsor Print
folder_special Silver Sponsor
Includes four entries into the event, four dinners, and four Sponsor Only Raffle tickets!
folder_special Silver Sponsor with Gift
Includes four entries into the event, four dinners, six Sponsor Only Raffle tickets, and choice of either an Indiana DU Sponsor Print or Decoy
folder_special Gold Sponsor
Includes eight entries into the event, eight dinners, twelve Sponsor Only Raffle tickets, and choice of either an Indiana DU Sponsor Print!
folder_special Gold Gun Sponsor Table
Includes eight entries into the event, eight dinners, twelve Sponsor Only Raffle tickets, and choice of either an Indiana DU Sponsor Print, and choice of gun off of the Mallard Banner! Contact a committee member for more details!
Map of Jasper County Fairgrounds
Jasper County Fairgrounds
2671 W Clark St
Rensselaer, Indiana 47978
Demotte DU's 5th Annual Gun Bash! At least 1 gun for every 10 pre-sold tickets! Don't miss it!



Map of Jasper County Fairgrounds
Jasper County Fairgrounds
2671 W Clark St
Rensselaer, Indiana 47978