CSU Ducks Unlimited Dinner - Ft. Collins Colorado
Join the nationally-ranked CSU Ducks Unlimited Chapter for another great event.
$65 - $3,500
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
Sold Out
Early bird pricing valid through March 26th. Attend the banquet and get a 1 year membership.
Early bird pricing valid through March 26th. Two banquet admissions and two memberships. Bring someone along and double the fun!
Banquet seating for 8, includes bottomless beer for your table (for beer at the event bar).
Includes registration for 8, plus table gifts, bottomless beer for your table and your choice of "Green" table firearm or prize. Choose your gift from a selection from over two dozen items including travel gear, coolers, shotguns, rifles and pistols. See link on main page for options.
Includes registration for 8, plus table gifts, bottomless beer for your table and your choice of "Gold" table firearm or prize. Choose your gift from a selection from select items including travel gear, coolers, shotguns, rifles, and pistols. See link on main page for options.
Includes registration for 8, plus table gifts, bottomless beer for your table and your choice of "Super Ram" table firearm or prize. Choose your gift from a selection from select items including shotguns -- like a Benelli SBE or Montefeltro; rifles -- like a Bergara B1-4 rifle, plus pistols, and more. See link on main page for options.
Can't make it but still want to support? A $250 donation to Ducks Unlimited is roughly the amount needed to preserve 1 acre of wetlands. Bronze sponsorship recognition for a $250 donation is a tax deductible way to make a difference for conservation. Sponsorship can be added to a regular ticket purchase as well.
Can't make it but still want to support? A $500 donation to Ducks Unlimited is roughly the amount needed to preserve 2 acres of wetlands. Silver sponsorship recognition for a $500 donation is a tax deductible way to make a difference for conservation. Sponsorship can be added to a regular ticket purchase as well.
Can't make it but still want to support? A $100 donation to Ducks Unlimited is a tax deductible way to make a difference for conservation. This donation can be added to a regular ticket purchase as well.
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Check out some of these event highlights:
- South Dakota 4-person, 4-night Pheasant Hunt;
- Argentina Red Stag hunt;
- Winner's Choice Vacation Getaway;
- Loads of raffles for guns and other prizes;
- Fantastic merchandise and other auction items;
- Great food, old friends, and a great night out;
Table Options (all tables include registration and DU membership for 8 people):
- BaseTable ($600); Includes bottomless beer for your table.
- "Green" Table ($1,500): Includes bottomless beer plus table gifts for your guests and a choice of "Green" table prize/gun - choose from over 24 prizes including shotguns, rifles, pistols, coolers, and more;
- "Gold" Table ($2,200): Includes bottomless beer plus table gifts for your guests and a choice of "Gold" table prize/gun choose from an upgraded list of prizes.
- "Super Ram" Table ($3,500): Includes Includes bottomless beer plus table gifts for your guests and an upgraded prize choice of a "Super Ram" premium prize/gun -- choose from over 20 high-end guns or optics such as a Benelli Montefeltro, a Browning Xbolt Hells Canyon .300 Win and more;
Don't miss our pre-event raffle:

This raffle will sell out prior to the event so don't wait! For tickets or more information, contact Clayton (304-880-6665) or any other committee member.
Proceeds from this event are used for wetland and open space conservation via Ducks Unlimited.
Please join us to support DU and wetland conservation and please pass the word to your friends who would like to attend this great DU event.
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