Crittenden County Sportsman's Night Out
*SOLD OUT* Join us for our first ever Sportsman's Night Out!
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended Sat, Dec 07 - 10:00 PM

Join us for our fall Sportsman's Night Out at The Great River Lodge located at 264 Looney Ln in Proctor, AR just a short drive from downtown Memphis!
We will have great food, plenty of beverages, and tons of drawings! There will be plenty of chances to win and something for everyone!
Tickets are on sale NOW and grants entry to our event plus gets you an annual DU Membership!
Single - $50
College - $40
Youth (17&Under) - $25
Table Options:
Bronze Sponsor Table ($750)
Includes 8 tickets at a reserved table, 8 Insulated Totes, 1 Bronze Sponsorship, and the 2024 Sponsor License Plate and Print
Wood Duck Sponsor Table ($1500)
Great Gun Table! Includes reserved seating for 8 people at the event, one 2024 DU Bronze Sponsor package for the buyer, 7 annual DU memberships, and your choice of 1 item from the DU Great Gun & Gear Banner! Scan QR code below for a current list of items available.

Please contact Jerad Henson at 501-944-1144 with questions about the event or how to help as a volunteer!
We look forward to seeing you there and bring a friend!
It's all for the ducks!

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