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Colstrip Ducks Unlimited Annual Banquet

Games - Dinner - Auction
$25 - $3,250
insert_invitation Sat, Mar 29 at 5:00 PM (MDT)
location_on CPRD Gymnasium, Colstrip, Montana
local_activity Single Ticket
Includes entry to the event, dinner, and a one-year DU membership.
folder_special Couple's Ticket
Includes entry to the event, dinner for two, and one-year DU memberships.
local_activity Youth Ticket
Kids ages 17 and under.
folder_special Couples Getaway
Includes entry into the event for eight, dinner, one Ducks Unlimited bronze sponsorship, and an amazing destination vacation. Contact: Jaden Kerkhoff at (406) 876-2847 for questions
local_activity Sponsor Ticket
Includes entry to the event, dinner, and a Bronze Sponsorship. You will be entered into the Sponsors Only drawing ($250 Scheels Gift Card).
folder_special Couples Sponsor
Includes entry to the event for two, meals and a one-year Bronze Sponsorship. You will be entered into the Sponsors Only drawing ($250 Scheels Gift Card).
folder_special Basic Table
Includes premium seating for eight, one-year Ducks Unlimited bronze sponsorship, seven (one-year) Ducks Unlimited memberships, and $250 Scheels Gift Card!
folder_special VIP Table
Best deal in the HOUSE! It includes reserved seating for eight, dinner, a Great Gun Giveaway item (Banner on the home page), one bronze Ducks Unlimited membership, and you get to eat first!
local_activity DU Membership - Not Attending
Can't attend? You can still donate to help conserve wetlands. Comes with a one-year DU membership.
local_activity Bronze Sponsor - Not Attending
Can't attend? You can still donate to help support the Colstrip chapter by becoming a bronze sponsor. This includes a one-year Bronze Sponsor membership and you will be entered into the Sponsors Only drawing.
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of CPRD Gymnasium
{{ directions }}
CPRD Gymnasium
Obert Rye Park
Colstrip, Montana 59323

VIP Package

Couples Getaway  

Online Tickets Close - March 28 At 12:00 PM


This Will Help Us Be Better Prepared When Checking You Into The Event.

{{ item.ttBundle ? 'folder_special' : 'local_activity' }} {{ item.startDate }}
{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
{{ item.sectionName }} {{ item.seatName }}
{{ item.message }}
{{ formatPrice(item.price) }}
{{ item.quantity }}


Map of CPRD Gymnasium
{{ directions }}
CPRD Gymnasium
Obert Rye Park
Colstrip, Montana 59323