Event logo

Briarcrest Varsity Sportsmans Dinner and Auction

$20 - $3,000
insert_invitation Sat, Apr 5 at 6:00 PM (CDT)
location_on Ducks Unlimited National Headquarters, Memphis, Tennessee
local_activity Single Adult Ticket
Includes entry to the event, Meal and a one-year DU membership
local_activity Single Student Ticket
Includes entry to the event, Meal and a one-year DU membership
folder_special Couples Ticket
Includes entry to the event for 2, 2 Meals and 2 one-year DU memberships.
local_activity Bronze Sponsor Single
Includes one entry into event, one, one-year DU Bronze sponsor membership and mention in dinner program
folder_special Bronze Sponsor Couple
Includes two entries to the event, one DU membership, one, one-year bronze sponsor membership and mention in dinner program
folder_special Wood Duck Sponsor Table
Includes eight entries to event, eight one-year DU memberships, reserved seating, priority food service, listing in program and eight DU Gifts.
folder_special Gold Sponsor Table
Includes eight entries to event, eight, one-year DU regular memberships, eight DU gifts, reserved seating, priority food service, listing in program and Free Benelli Nova.
folder_special Saints Sponsor Table
Includes eight entries to event, eight, one-year DU regular memberships, 8 DU Gifts, reserved seating, priority food service, listing in program and Free Prize of choice from Premier Guns & Gear Banner. *Please check the links online to ensure inventory of firearm/prize chosen! Links are updated daily.
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Ducks Unlimited National Headquarters
{{ directions }}
Ducks Unlimited National Headquarters
1 Waterfowl Way
Memphis, Tennessee 38120-2351
{{ item.ttBundle ? 'folder_special' : 'local_activity' }} {{ item.startDate }}
{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
{{ item.sectionName }} {{ item.seatName }}
{{ item.message }}
{{ formatPrice(item.price) }}
{{ item.quantity }}


Map of Ducks Unlimited National Headquarters
{{ directions }}
Ducks Unlimited National Headquarters
1 Waterfowl Way
Memphis, Tennessee 38120-2351