Atlantic Frontier Annual Fundraiser
How to Purchase a Ticket
If you know a Committee member, you can buy tickets from them.
If you prefer, send a check made out to Ducks Unlimited for the required number of tickets, at the appropriate cost level(s). For each individual attending, please include:
Phone Number
E-mail address
(For Greenwings, indicate date of birth)
Mail to: Lou Othote
72 Chestnut Street
So. Dartmouth,
MA 02748
Go to the Ducks Unlimited website and purchase a ticket there,
If you choose this option, you will need to let Lou Othote know so that he can assign you to a table.
We will publish the entire program shortly before the dinner.
If you have any questions or need more information, ask a Committee member or call Lou Othote at 508-994-9755.
Special Sponsor Program (Memberships levels: $250/$500/$1,000)
The Committee is once again eager to recruit DU Sponsors, and to that end, all Sponsors will receive, in addition to the DU membership:
- Special Sponsor gift
- 300 general raffle tickets
- Entry in the Early Bird $100 Raffle
- Entry in Gun Raffle (see above)
Sponsors will also be entered in a Sponsor-only Raffle for prizes that include: (One Winner per 10 Sponsors)
- Winner picks one of the two remaining from Gun Raffle
- Remaining Gun (Third Gun) will be in the Live Auction
- Carving
- Shotgun
- Sporting Prints/Sculptures
Early Bird $100 Raffle
When you buy your dinner ticket, for an additional $100 you will receive:
- 200 raffle tickets plus 100 bonus tickets = 300 tickets Total
- Entry into the special “Early Bird” $100 Raffle drawing for:
> Gun
*****If you cannot attend the dinner, we ask that you renew your membership through the Atlantic Frontier DU Chapter
The appropriate check and information (Name, Address, Phone Number, and Email) should be sent to Lou. See address below
Regular Member …..........$35
Sponsor …........................$250/$500/$1,000
Greenwing …................... $15