Athens DU Crawfish Boil
Athens DU Crawfish Boil
$35 - $2,500
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
Event Sponsor Table
Includes 10 tickets to the event, an annual DU Gold sponsorship, 9 regular DU memberships, along with a $1,000 Winter Timber gift card OR 4 Savage 301 turkey guns in 20 or .410 gauge!!
Mud Bug Table
Includes 10 tickets to the event, an annual DU Bronze sponsorship, 9 regular DU memberships, along with a Savage 301 turkey gun in 20 OR .410 gauge!!
Single Entry
Includes an annual Ducks Unlimited membership and all you can eat crawfish!! Beverages provided as well!
Greenwing Youth Ticket
Includes an annual DU youth membership and all you can eat crawfish!

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