Arkansas DU District 4 Volunteer Meeting - Jonesboro
Join us on Thursday, July 20th for the Ducks Unlimited District 4 Volunteer Meeting & Happy Hour! The volunteer meeting for District 4 is open to all DU volunteers in the area as well as anyone interested in volunteering for an existing chapter or starting a Ducks Unlimited event in their town.
This year's meeting will be held at The Social, located at 1004 Chancery Ln in Jonesboro. A complementary dinner will be served at 6:00 PM with the meeting immediately following the meal.
We'll have a raffle with the 2023 DU merchandise - so don't miss out!
Please RSVP to Lee at 870-815-9550 or if you plan to attend. Can't attend the meeting, but would still like to volunteer? Let us know & we will contact you about becoming a DU volunteer. Or you can click the button below & we can help you find your local chapter:
Bring a friend, and we'll see you there!
District 4 encompasses all Ducks Unlimited chapters in Craighead, Mississippi and Poinsett counties.