Havre Ducks Unlimited Annual Banquet
Games - Dinner - Auction
$25 - $500
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
Sold Out
Includes entry to the event, dinner, and a one-year DU membership.
Includes entry to the event, dinner for two, and one-year DU memberships.
Kids age 17 and under.
Includes entry to the event, dinner, and a one-year bronze sponsor membership.
Includes entry to the event, dinner, and a one-year bronze sponsor membership.
Support Havre Ducks Unlimited! Your package includes entry for two, company promotion through advertising (emails, website, and ads), dinner, and a Ducks Unlimited gift.
Can't attend? You can still donate to help conserve wetlands - It comes with a one-year DU membership.
Can't attend? You can still donate to help support the Havre chapter by becoming a bronze sponsor. This includes a one-year Bronze Sponsor membership.
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