Cajun Duck Bingo
10 Games of Bingo with 10 winners who get their choice of gun, plus bonus raffles for everyone!
$25 - $300
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
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Play 9 Cards for all 10 games of bingo plus a DU Membership, Get 5 chances at the Bonus 5-Gun Raffle, 3 Chances at the Goose Band Raffle for a DU Edition SKB HS300 20ga Shotgun, an exclusive SuperDuck ticket for a DU Edition Beretta A300 12ga Shotgun. Price increases to $350 at the door. Includes your meal and drinks for the evening.
Play 1 Card for all 10 games of bingo plus a DU Membership. Includes your meal and drinks for the evening.
Play 3 Cards for all 10 games of bingo plus a DU Membership. Includes your meal and drinks for the evening.
Play 9 Cards for all 10 games of bingo plus a DU Membership. Includes your meal and drinks for the evening.
This ticket provides entry for anyone that did not purchase bingo cards, includes food and drink for the evening.
Must be 17 & under and accompanied by a parent or guardian. Play 1 Card for all 10 games of bingo plus a DU Membership. Includes your meal and drinks for the evening.
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10 Games of Bingo with 10 winners who get their choice of gun, plus bonus raffles for everyone!
Guests who purchase 3 cards, 9 cards, or the SuperDuck Package may share cards, however anyone who does not purchase bingo cards must purchase a bingo guest ticket to attend the event. All tickets include your meal and drinks for the evening.
Guests who purchase 3 cards, 9 cards, or the SuperDuck Package may share cards, however anyone who does not purchase bingo cards must purchase a bingo guest ticket to attend the event. All tickets include your meal and drinks for the evening.
Win Bingo and Pick from the Banner Below!
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